Monday, April 13, 2009

Toucan birds look like parrot colored birds, brilliant pelicans with well defined large beaks। Except these birds are larger bodied than smaller birds with full wingspans ands smaller bodies. Toucans are a vision which brings tropical wetlands and exotic vacations to mind in one go. Broad billed toucans make a beautiful addition to any garden aviary yet they require effort that may be beyond the average bird loving pet shopper. The toucan bird is familiar to many (from Fruit Loops cereal boxes) but the proper species name is perhaps not known to many but a few.
Similarities within the Coraciformes order are evident. Brilliant markings and vibrant colorations feature in toucan plumage, with the glossy large eyes and polished large horizontal beak extending far outward from the toucan body. The broad shaped beige and brown bill with identical beak mandibles against black breasted crests make the toucan instantly recognizable anywhere. The toucan bill extending forward establishes its identity without any doubt. Toucans use water to keep themselves clean, perch high, and observe somewhat anti-societal tendencies. It should be kept in mind the natural toucan habitat includes quick moving animals such as monkeys, ocelots, and geotropically typical animals.

Toucans are tropical rain forest dwellers, picking berries and capturing insects with their formidable jaws and beak। They like grapes, papaya, bananas and apples, but overfeeding in domestication is a constant risk. Toucan birds have a hardier aspect but a distinctive and elegant plumage which has an almost iconic contrast in coloration. The dramatic black plumage shows up well behind red, yellow, and white. The toucan has fashionable colors which make it unmistakable and toucanets and aricaris have more exact sub features. Toucans are solitary animals who dislike other species and perhaps even being caged with mates.
The average size of a full grown toucan bird is a few pounds. The life expectancy of the toucan is a dozen years. This can vary for toucanets, and other subspecies. Toucans are effort intensive pets that are not right for everyone. The average lifespan of a well cared for toucan bird is at least ten years with varying tropical vegetation, predation, and fruit availability. Toucans with excellent diets and no diseases can live to be approximately 15 years old. Toucans obtain hydration through dietary consumption of fruit. Fresh water provision is advisable in domestication cages and aviaries.

Native feeding habitations of the toucan are high tree branches and perches high above the ground. Toucans are not small, especially with a bill/beak almost as large wide as the toucan is high. The toucan will want to exercise and fly and needs wingspan allowances to be comfortable moving around. In the tropical rain forests and imitative climates and areas in regions of southern Mexico throughout South America and its neighboring islands toucans make their finicky existence.

Toucans are not the every person’s bird, they take to few and can physically reflect stresses in their environment like conflict with other pets, unusual noises, and harmful dietetic irregularities, and irritants not found in the wild. Toucans must bond in a personality friendly way with a mate or the situation will deteriorate and possibly not produce offspring. Overfeeding, iron overages, and avian disease should be primary responsibilities of any veterinary checkup for a domesticated toucan looking for medical “bills” of health.

Pet toucans need airy cages, wingspans with full feathers intact, and familiar placement of water and food. Heat sources in cold weather are necessary to prevent frostbite in toes. Domesticated toucans need attention, care, observation and resources for comfort and healthy growth. Maintenance cannot slack off or toucan pets will suffer and possibly die. Toucan pet are not cheap, ranging from hundreds to thousands of dollars. Hand raised toucans will be tame enough to raise without growing pains.

Diet of the wildland toucan is eggs, insect proteins, berries, and small animals it can kill and consume. Toucans do not (and should not) eat red meat. The berries preferred by the toucan are non citric berries and fruit not given to acidic content. Toucans are wood boring nest builders, though their bills may be much larger and longer than the beaks of much smaller birds who are not softbills.

Toucans are noteworthy as birds for whom seed is not a possible digestive option. Ironically a toucan might starve eating only seeds for their digestive systems cannot process this diet. Infestation of infected food or contact and proximity to feces of rates or other pets may increase likelihood for disease. Toucans also suffer from overages of iron in their diet and can die from this. Clipped insects like crickets can provide nutrients in a proper manner for toucans without excessive overfeeding.

The toucan breeding season is timed by nature between March and May। Toucan young are nest dependent, blind, and absolutely need parents for healthy growth. Nests of four eggs or less can be handled without cold weather irritation or unnecessary heat. Therefore estimation of breeding and appropriate caging and perch and nest branching Toucans make pets that require comprehensive research, caretaking ability, resources for proper caging and nutrition, and space for aviary and roaming.

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